when Stephen (the heroine in the book"The Well Of Loneliness") was seven ,she had fallen in love with the housemaid Collins.
Reading this novel,I was surprise. when I am twenty-two,so much grief I gave to myself, and ignored the key of being alive and that how to carry on my own brilliant life.To be brave and confident whatever I may cross into.That's really the best gift I got before the day of my birthday,that's the practical talent I learned form life.
《six feet under》绝对是一部经典的剧集,可惜我看得太迟,不过就算早一点,估计那时也只是执迷不悟而已。
自由的维基百科里,第一条解释是“Six feet under is a term for being dead, referring to a grave six feet underground”。顺便换算了下6 feet = 1.8288 meters,这是冰冷的肉体被埋葬的深度,却未必是灵魂所在之处。
殡葬服务,多么特殊的一个行业,至少初次听到谁干这行时,保证没人不瞪大眼珠,满脑问号。Fishers' ,又是多么平凡和真实的一个家庭,no hero there,相对来讲,他们擅长做事而不是交流。站在别人死亡的终点上,一次次目睹人的本质和躯壳的脆弱,一次次寻找和坚定生命的意义与生活的墓地。生的意义就是现在,此时此刻。用同样的真诚姿态来面对生与死,用遗憾和不甘来督促自己 make exetrem use of the rest life.Once you get in the game,you won't know the result previously unless you give up or,being kicked out of it.
还没有准备好为它写点什么,只想暂时记下感受,一部适合review for several times 的剧集。目前为止,智商超高的Brenda姐姐的潇洒作风shock and impress me,选择一段她和Nate哥哥的对话:
Brenda: There's only one thing for certain. Everything changes.
Brenda: I think it's all just totally random.
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah. We live, we die, ultimately nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know.sometimes I wake up so fucking empty I wish I was never born, but what choice do I have?
p.s. 写在我22岁的凌晨,“生日快乐”等词汇毫无意义,愿32岁时,仍会有什么震撼到我,不麻木、不盲目,这是自己要争取的最好礼物。:)
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